Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kylee and Cory

The whole family is so excited to have Cory become part of our family. All my boys think he is awesome and can't wait for them to marry. I think Kylee will have a hard time keeping him away from them. They are always making plans. Kylee and Cory make a cute couple and I can't wait for them to be married. It is a sad time and a happy time. I will miss Kylee dearly, but look forward to getting a new (crazy) son.

Kylee is always giving me a hard time for not put anything on my blog site except Colby and the grandkids. I hope she likes the pictures I chose. Seriously though the two are cute together. We will have to thank Jace for this or maybe not!!!!

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Sandra and Rob said...

I cant believe they are getting married. It seems so weird that the two of them hooked up. I cant wait to see them together. I just have known them seperately for so MANY YEARS!!
Please get that bird off of Leahs shoulder. That is just sick and wrong to do that to her. It would be FREAKING ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dean Family said...

They are the cutest couple, you're going to love it!!! (plus Lisa is the greatest!!)