Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Grandma Tammy and Devyn

Devyn and Grandma Tammy
I wish we all could have went to visit Devyn, but I was the only one who was able to visit. He is just so fun and cute. I went out on Saturday and came back on Sunday. It was way worth the time. I don't want him to not know who I am so I will go out as often as possible. I wish Kylee and Cory could visit us more. They are wonderful parents.

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Visiting Devyn

Spending time with Devyn never gets boring. He is such a cute guy and I love the opportunity to see him. I love to spoil him. He can wave goodbye and blow kisses. He also gives kisses which I perfer.

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Devyn's First Birthday

I can't believe Devyn turned one already.  He is growing up so fast.  Kylee and Cory are awesome parents.  They are doing such a great job as parents.  Devyn is so happy and can walk all over.  He also can tell you the sounds that animals make.  His favorite thing to do is to tell you no, no.  Grandma Tammy never tells him NO.  He is way too cute to tell him No.  I had so much fun spending time with him for his birthday.  He is just so fun. 

Yeah, my first present.

Devyn was so excited to open presents.

Let't play mom.

So many presents, so little time.

I don't know who is more excite Devyn or Kylee.

Devyn is wondering what the heck is going on.

Not sure why Kylee is pulling this face.

Devyn's first cowboy hat,  yes Grandpa Vincent had something to do with this.

I would rather play football now.

Let's play basketball.

Ready to make a basket.

Devyn wanting to trying on his new cowboy boots.  Again Grandpa Vincent might have had something to do with this present too.

Devyn's new slide

Let's do it again.

2 points
Devyn loves balls.

Where is the cake?

Yeah, cake.

Yum, cake.

Trying to taste the cake.

Yum, Yum.

He liked the red frosting the best.

This is good.

This is really good.


This is really, really good.


Clapping more

I am not listening.

I am not listening to anyone.

Mean, Mean Mom

Wow, what just happened.

Now, I will eat more of my cake.

I think there is frosting in my nose.

Messy, Messy boy

Now I can eat it with no hands.

I had a lot of fun spending time with Devyn.  He is growing up so fast and I wish we lived closer or they lived closer.  I try to visit as often as possible.