Thursday, March 5, 2009

We are finally home from the hospital. Karrie and some of her friends cleaned the house. Kylee did laundry. It was nice to come home to a clean place. Colby is doing much better, but over did it the first day back and was nauseated the first night home. He goes to the doctor to day to see if he can eat solid food again.

Colby also won state this year and also received outstanding wrestler. He is working very hard and should be able to go to college on a wrestling scholarship. It is fun to watch him grow up.

I believe that he gets his talent from his mother. (LOL)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Colby in the Hospital

Colby is doing much better and is bored of being in the hospital. We should be able to leave on Wednesday. His heart rate dropped really low last night and they called the doctor in. When he looked at Colby, he realized that he is in such good shape that is why his heart rate was so low. They also told as that his fat count was very low. I offered to share some of my fat.
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