Sunday, June 21, 2009

Second Day of Caleb's life

Caleb is so cute. We took the kids back in to see him today, June 19th. He is such a great addition to the family. Casey stepping in and performing daddy duty by changing the diaper.
Colby taking his turn on holding Caleb. He is afraid that he will break him.

The proud grandma getting her turn to hold the new little one.

Leah was glad to see her mom and spent sometime with mom and the baby. What a beautiful daughter in-law. I am very lucky.

First family picutre with the whole crowd, Justin wasn't to happy to hold still for the picture.
Aunt Karrie taking her turn at holding Caleb.

Justin wanted to try to feed the baby with a bottle.

Leah is trying to feed the baby, but isn't so sure about Justin coming to help out.

Leah feeding the baby. She is so happy to have a baby brother.

We enjoyed having the grandkids for a few days. They were excited to get back home to mom and dad though. Megan says they are really trying to help a lot, maybe a little too much.

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