I can't not believe that
Kylee turned 20 this year. It just seems like yesterday we held her in our arms and was so excited to get our first little girl. We were told that we would not be able to have any more children and
Kylee was our little miracle. The doctor was jumping up and down showing me the results. I was amazed and glad to be able to have
Kylee join are little family. She was her dad's little princess and still is. Her brothers were so excited to get a girl. They treated her like a princess. She could get them to do anything for her including cleaning her very messy room. Then they became her protector and she couldn't do anything or date anyone without them getting involved. Poor
Luckily they all love Cory.

Kylee you were always dancing around and doing flips. You always wanted to dance and be a gymnast. You accomplished both. We are all so proud to watch you dance and cheer. You were awesome and still are.

You also loved horses and always dressed up in the outfit Grandpa
Newell made for you. You were so cute.

Here you are at one of your first individual competitions. You took first. Yeah!!!!

You also loved to swim and always wished we had a diving team here in Vernal. You were awesome at diving just as you were on doing flips on the floor.
Pugsley was one of your favorite dogs and you would snuggle up with him and go to sleep. You were so cute when you were asleep.

You always wanted to be at the top of the pyramids and you accomplished that when you became older too!!!

You prayed for a little sister and was so excited when I became
pregnant. When I lost that baby you cried and cried. Then you came out one day and told me that I was going to have a baby girl and that Jesus told you so. I told you that I was not going to have anymore. You were right and I was wrong. We had Karrie and you loved her a lot except when she turned two then you asked me if we could send her back because she made too many messes. You are a great example for her and help her in so many ways.

You have always been close to all of your brothers and they love you a lot. Your whole face goes red when you cry.

Brotherly love!!!

You have lots of friends and have done crazy things with them. Nice mud bath.

You are a beautiful daughter of God and we are so thankful he sent you to us. Even through the rough times we have loved you dearly and have always been proud that you are our daughter.

Trying to be in the 80's.

Flying high in the air and you always do. You made an awesome cheerleader.

Look at you do those flips that you always wanted to do when you were younger.
You are always a princess to us and look like one too. You were so excited to become an aunt.

Sisterly love. Thanks for giving us 20 years of joy and we look forward to the next years as you become a wife. We love you and we will truly miss you. You have been a great joy and great person to talk too. We love you
Kylee, Happy Birthday!!!! We know you will do even more great things.
wow, 20!!! holy cow! thats so old, yikes! I loved the trip down memory lane with the old pics. Thats the Kylee I remember! :) By the way, love the photo in front of the Newmont Apts. I still remember first meeting the boys and thinking they were 'twins'! haha
AAAHHHH!!!! Memories. It seemed like just yesterday that she was born. Are we really getting that old? I am so glad we met each other in those Newmont Apartments. They will always be a great memory. I am so excited for Kylees wedding. Cant wait to see all of you!!!!
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